Today we have collected for you a selection of frequently asked questions from our customers. Pay attention to the articles in our blog, where we gave detailed answers to some questions. But if you have almost made a decision and you need quick answers, then welcome to the Solar Pool Ionizer FAQ Part 5!
Does this product skim the pool such that it picks up stuff floating on the top like the solar breeze?
The product will keep algae from growing in your pool until it has been in the pool for a week. Usually, pools require high levels of chlorine to prevent algae growth. However, with this product, you only need the minimum amount of chlorine to maintain a safe swimming pool. A floating pool skimmer with chlorine tabs is all that's needed to maintain a safe swimming environment. Unlike other devices, this product does not require you to resort to shock treatments.
Will it remove existing algae?
You should treat existing algae first. Solar Pool Ionizer will maintain clean pool and prevent algae future growth.
Will this work under a clear pool cover?
If the device doesn't receive enough sunlight, it will not function properly. You can fix this issue by gently attaching it to the cover of the pool.
I have an in-ground pool, how do I keep this product from getting stuck in the bottom of the skimmer?
You can also tie it down or put something over the opening of the skimmer to prevent it from getting stuck in the bottom. As long as it's in the sunlight, it should work.
I'm worried that the copper staining on my pool might be caused by the product.
This unit produces copper ions, not copper deposits. So there should ever be an issue with staining.
If you have any other questions about pool and spa products please do let us know - we are here to help!
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