Problems With Solar Pool Ionizers

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Problems With Solar Pool Ionizers


Problems with Solar Pool Ionizers

If you have a solar pool ionizer, then this is important. It’s possible that you might experience problems with it if you’ve never used it before. These can be potentially serious, but they should not get out of hand.

One of the biggest problems that you might experience with a pool ionizer is its overuse. This can cause it to create too much ion content, which can be potentially harmful. However, keep in mind that the process of ionizing is very slow.

Before you can use a pool ionizer properly, it’s important that you first understand how it works. In this article, we will talk about how pool ionizers work to keep your pool algae-free.

How Solar Pool Ionizers works?

Problems With Solar Pool Ionizers

Ionizers use a type of anode, which is typically a cylindrical shape. These types of ionizers label their anode as an electrode, which is typically made of silver and copper. Some pool ionizers also use other metals in their anode.

In order to produce ions, the ionizers use electricity. When this electricity gets to the anode, it begins to erode it, which then leads to the break of the ions.

After a couple of hours, the ions are free and float around in your pool. They are known to kill micro organisms. The copper and silver ions are mainly used to prevent algae from growing.

Copper Staining

Over the years, the issue of staining has been one of the most common concerns when it comes to pool ionizers. If you’re planning on spending a lot of money on a new pool, then you want to make sure that it’s not marred by ugly stains.

In addition to being able to kill harmful bacteria, pool ionizers can also help control the algae and other harmful organisms in the water by adding minerals to it. Unfortunately, these minerals can become undissolved and can stain the surface of the pool. So why does it happen?

Too much ions

Unfortunately, some pool ionizers are not regulated properly. This could lead to over-infusion of the water, which could cause the system to malfunction. For optimal performance, you only need around 0.2 to 0.5 parts per million of copper and around one tenth of that of a silver.

If the store where you bought the ionizer says that you need to increase the total dissolved solids (TDS) of the water to over 500 to work properly, that means that the system is not regulated.

Not chelated Mineral

The process of chelation is a process that involves bonding the various compounds at the molecular level to keep them in the water. If the minerals aren’t properly hydrated, they can bond to the surface of the water and cause staining. Some modern mineral systems use mineral electrodes that are designed to be formulated to ensure that the minerals are properly hydrated.

Water disbalance

To get the minerals to come out of solution, the water has a pH above 7.7 and a mineral level above 1 part per million. Also, the water must have an alkalinity level above 120 ppm.

Every two or three weeks, it’s important to check the water's parameters to make sure that everything is in balance. Having a salt chlorinator can increase the pH level, so it’s important to regularly test and adjust it if necessary.

Contaminated source

The water that you use to fill your pool may have a high mineral content. It's important to test the water at a local pool store to make sure that it's not contaminated. There may be copper, manganese, and iron in the water at a level that can cause staining.

Contaminated salt

A salt chlorinator is used to turn salt into liquid chlorine. However, it's important to note that some salts are not properly refined, which could allow contaminants to dissolve in the water and cause staining. It's also important to buy pool salt from a local store to ensure that it's properly made.

You also need to use an oxidizer

Ionizers can help reduce the amount of chemicals needed to maintain a clean and clear swimming pool. However, they are not enough to completely remove algae and bacteria. In addition to being able to kill harmful bacteria, minerals can also help control the growth of algae and other aquatic organisms. However, they can't remove organic matter such as sweat and skin cells.

In addition to an ionizer, you also need to use an oxidizer. Chlorine is the most common oxidizer used in pools. However, some manufacturers suggest reducing the amount of chlorine used as an oxidizer to around 0.5 to 1 ppm. A weekly shock treatment can help maintain the necessary oxidizing conditions.

In addition to being able to kill harmful bacteria, ozone can also help control the growth of algae and other aquatic organisms. However, it is not as automated as an ionizer. You still need to maintain a low residual of chlorine to maintain a clean and clear pool.

Problems With Solar Pool Ionizers

Can’t use stain remover / sequestering products

Many pool stores carry stain and scale products that can remove various contaminants from the water, such as iron, manganese, and salt. However, using an ionizer can actually neutralize the minerals in the water. If you want to remove these contaminants, you'll need to find another way to do so, such as by using a pre-filter.

If your copper level goes above 1 ppm, you should consider using a sequestering chemical to remove it.

Test the Copper Level

Since you'll be using an ionizer for a long time, it's important that you regularly test the copper level to make sure that it's still in good condition. This can add one more step to your regular pool maintenance.

Problems With Solar Pool Ionizers

Replace the Cell

Ionizers work by releasing minerals into the water. The cell used by the ionizer is usually composed of two rods, which are either copper or a combination of silver and copper. As the minerals are absorbed by the water, the rods typically wear down and need to be replaced around every 6-12 months.

Although the cost of replacing the cell is usually offset by the savings that you'll make from reducing the chemicals, it's still an additional step that should be added to your regular pool maintenance.


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1 comment

So my pool is approx 10500 gallons. First year using a copper ionizer. It has mostly floated every day since end of May. My strips never read a copper level. Last night I noticed my skimmer sock had a very light blue hue to it so I pulled the ionizer out for the night. We do not have any light haired swimmers so uncertain of change in hair color from copper. Today Leslie’s water check noted 0.6 copper level. I know this is slightly above range. How do I lower the copper level? Will adding water to the pool lower this? How long should I leave it out of the pool to allow the level to drop slightly?
Thank you.


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