How to Use Natural Chemistry's Spa Chlorine Concentrate Granular

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How to Use Natural Chemistry's Spa Chlorine Concentrate Granular


If you're looking for a simple and effective way to keep your swimming pool clean and clear, then Natural Chemistry's Spa Chlorine Concentrate Granular is a great choice. This granular chlorine product is easy to use and will help keep your pool clean and safe.

The first step is to make sure that your pool has the correct pH levels. You'll need to test your pool's pH levels with a test kit and adjust them to the recommended range of 7.2-7.6.

Once you have the correct pH levels, you can add the Spa Chlorine Concentrate Granular to your pool. To do this, you'll need to add the granular chlorine to the pool skimmer and use your pool circulation system to distribute it throughout the pool. This granular chlorine product is designed to dissolve quickly and evenly, so it should be distributed throughout the pool in a matter of minutes.

Once you've added the granular chlorine, you'll need to wait a few hours before you can use the pool. This will give the chlorine time to do its job and kill any bacteria or algae in the pool. After a few hours, your pool should be safe to use and enjoy.

To maintain the correct chlorine levels, you'll need to test your pool's chlorine levels with a test kit and adjust it as needed. If the chlorine levels drop too low, you can add more granular chlorine to the pool.

Using Natural Chemistry's Spa Chlorine Concentrate Granular is a great way to keep your pool clean and safe. It's easy to use and will help keep your pool free of bacteria and algae. With regular maintenance and testing, you can enjoy a safe and clean pool all summer long!

If you have any other questions about pool and spa products please do let us know - we are here to help! 

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