How to Use In The Swim Basic Pool Opening Chemical Start Up Kit

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How to Use In The Swim Basic Pool Opening Chemical Start Up Kit


Summertime is here and if you’re like many homeowners, you’re ready to get your pool up and running. But before you can start enjoying the cool, refreshing waters of your backyard oasis, there are a few steps you need to take to ensure your pool is safe and healthy.

One of the most important steps is getting your pool chemistry in order. To help make this process easier, In The Swim has created the Basic Pool Opening Chemical Start Up Kit. This comprehensive kit contains all the chemicals you need to get your pool in pristine condition. The kit includes chlorine, shock, algaecide, stain and scale preventer, and clarifier. Each of these products is designed to work together to create the ideal balance of chemicals for your pool.

  • The first step in using the Basic Pool Opening Chemical Start Up Kit is to test your pool’s water chemistry. This will tell you what adjustments need to be made to get your pool in balance. Once you know the chemistry of your pool, you can begin the process of adding the appropriate chemicals.
  • The chlorine that’s included in the kit should be added first. This will kill any bacteria and other microorganisms that may be in your pool. Make sure to follow the instructions on the chlorine package for the proper dosage.
  • After you’ve added the chlorine, it’s time to add the shock. This will help break down any organic matter and prevent algae growth. Once the chlorine and shock have been added, you can move on to adding the algaecide, stain and scale preventer, and clarifier.
  • The algaecide will help keep any algae from forming, the stain and scale preventer will prevent any staining and scaling, and the clarifier will help clear up any cloudy water. Again, make sure to follow the instructions on the packages for the proper dosage.
  • Once you’ve added all the chemicals, it’s time to let them do their job. Allow the chemicals to circulate for 24-48 hours before testing your pool’s chemistry again. This will help ensure that the chemicals have had time to do their job.

Using the In The Swim Basic Pool Opening Chemical Start Up Kit will help ensure that your pool is safe and healthy. With just a few simple steps, you can get your pool ready for the summer season. So get out there and start enjoying those cool, refreshing waters!

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