How to Use Doheny's Chlorine Di-Chlor Shock for pool and spa

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How to Use Doheny's Chlorine Di-Chlor Shock for pool and spa


If you want to keep your pool and spa in pristine condition, it's important to use a chlorine shock treatment to keep the water clean and clear. Doheny's Chlorine Di-Chlor Shock is an effective and affordable way to sanitize your pool and spa.

Here's how to use Doheny's Chlorine Di-Chlor Shock to keep your pool and spa looking its best.

Step 1: Test the Water

Before you use the chlorine shock, it's important to test the water and make sure the pH and chlorine levels are balanced. You should also test for other contaminants such as metals, phosphates, and other impurities. If the levels are too high or too low, you may need to adjust them before adding the chlorine shock.

Step 2: Calculate the Amount of Chlorine Shock Needed

Once you have tested the water, you can calculate the amount of chlorine shock you will need. The amount of chlorine shock needed depends on the size of your pool or spa, the amount of contaminants in the water, and the type of shock you are using. Doheny's Chlorine Di-Chlor Shock is a strong shock, so it is best to use the smallest amount possible.

Step 3: Apply the Shock

When you are ready to apply the shock, make sure to wear eye protection and gloves. Start by pouring the chlorine shock into a bucket of pool or spa water and stir it around. Once it is mixed in, you can add it directly to the pool or spa. Once you have added the chlorine shock, let the water circulate for at least 8 hours before testing the water again.

Step 4: Test the Water Again

Once the 8 hours have passed, test the water again to make sure the chlorine levels are balanced. If the levels are still too high or too low, you may need to adjust them with a pH adjuster.

Using Doheny's Chlorine Di-Chlor Shock is a great way to keep your pool and spa clean and clear. By following these steps, you can easily apply the shock and make sure your pool and spa stay in great condition.


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