The Solar Pool Ionizer is ready to use. It does not require batteries, and it can be placed in the pool without any additional equipment.
If your pool have algae, please read the steps below!
The Solar Pool Ionizer creates an ion in the water to kill algae. However, it will take a week or more for the water to get enough ion to prevent new algae from growing. This product does not remove the algae from the pool. Instead, it requires that the algae be killed and then filtered out of the pool.
1. Although robotic or automatic pool cleaners are not designed to get rid of algae, they can still help keep the water clean. By vacuuming directly to the waste, you can actually bypass the filter and prevent the water from recirculating. We also recommend you to use manual vacuuming.
2. After you have thoroughly scrubbed the walls and floor of the pool, use a pool brush to get rid of the algae. This will allow the sanitizer to get deeper into the water and kill the remaining algae. In addition to the walls and floor, you can also use a stiff pool brush to clean the pool's corners and shady areas to prevent the algae from growing. As the water gets cloudy, you might want to get those tough spots first.
3. Before you use the Solar Pool Ionizer, it's important that the water is balanced and tested to ensure that it is not affected by the algae. Doing so will allow the sanitizer to effectively kill the algae.
4. Depending on the type of algae, you might need to treat it with shock treatment. More aggressive treatment will need to be performed to prevent the infection from spreading.
If you’re not a fan of chlorine, but still need to use calcium hypochlorite shock, then follow the package instructions to get the dose that’s right for your pool. Depending on which type of algae your pool have, multiply the dose by two, three, or four (for Green, Yellow or Dark Green, or Black algae).
If you use stabilized chlorine, do not use it to shock your pool. It can cause too much of the toxic chemical known as cyanuric acid to enter the pool, which can lead to algae problems.
If you’re worried about the algae in your pool, shock it at night or dusk. Because sun can eat away at the chlorine in the water before it can kill the algae.
5. When the shock treatment is completed, the water will turn a cloudy blue color. You can also add a clarifier to speed up the process, and make sure that you turn off the water before you start.
6. The last thing you want is for your filter to be full of particles that will slowly fill your pool back up with algae. To get rid of the algae, submerge the filter in diluted muriatic acid or replace it. If you want to get rid of the algae fast, try cleaning it multiple times a day, as opposed to once a week.
7. After you have checked the water, go back to your local pool store to get a water sample to test the chemistry of the water. This will allow you to make sure that the level of chlorine is back to normal.
8. After a couple of days, your pool should be balanced and looking good. Your new Solar Pool Ionizer should have been working properly to prevent the growth of algae. After a week, you should check the copper anode. It should be slowly corroding, and turning a green or bluish color. This means that the copper is working properly.
If copper levels are low, but the copper is still corroding, then you should have plenty of ion in the pool to prevent algae growth. If the water still has not changed its colors, then contact us so we can replace the unit.
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