How to Use ProTeam Mustard & Black Magic

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How to Use ProTeam Mustard & Black Magic


Swimming pool maintenance can be a daunting task but it doesn’t have to be. With the right tools and products, you can keep your pool looking and functioning at its best.

One of the best maintenance products to use is ProTeam Mustard & Black Magic. This product is specifically designed to help you keep your pool in top condition. Here’s how to use it for swimming pool maintenance.

Step 1: Test Your Pool’s pH Level

Before you can use ProTeam Mustard & Black Magic, you need to make sure that your pool’s pH level is within the proper range. You can purchase a pool testing kit at your local pool supply store that will help you determine the pH level. If you find that the pH level is too high or low, you can adjust it with the appropriate chemical.

Step 2: Apply ProTeam Mustard & Black Magic

Once you have the pH level set, you can apply ProTeam Mustard & Black Magic. This product is a combination of mustard seed oil, black pepper, and citric acid. This combination creates a powerful cleaning solution that can help you remove dirt, debris, and algae from your pool. To apply the product, simply add one cup of it to 1,000 gallons of water. Then, let it sit for at least 30 minutes before skimming off any debris or dirt that has been loosened.

Step 3: Shock the Pool

After you have applied the ProTeam Mustard & Black Magic, you should shock your pool with a chlorine-based shock. This will help to eliminate any remaining bacteria or algae that may still be present. Follow the instructions on the shock package for the proper application procedure.

Step 4: Perform Regular Maintenance

Finally, to keep your pool in top condition, you should perform regular maintenance. This includes skimming the surface of your pool each day, brushing the walls and floor of your pool once a week, and vacuuming the pool once a month.

By using ProTeam Mustard & Black Magic and following the steps above, you can keep your pool looking and functioning at its best. This product is a great addition to any swimming pool maintenance routine and can help you keep your pool clean and healthy.


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